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 I am not a career politician, in fact I have never been involved in politics before. This country was once so great, though I am only 46 years old, I remember those days when things were good. We can return to those times again but it is going to take some hard work, it is going to take someone with real world experience and common sense. Not your usual political candidate.

 We have strayed from the path of logic and intelligence.


 Lets Take a Better Look at my platform:

  1. Repeal ObamaCare - The Affordable Care Act is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation to ever be signed into law by any president. The Independent Payment Advisory Boards are death panels with a politically correct name. The cost of insurance for everyone will skyrocket, the coverages will be capped, the average family cannot afford the coverage and even worse the people making mininum wage will never be able to afford coverage if they want to have a place to live and food to eat. These are all facts that the GAO knows about and has stated time and time again but the current administration does not want to listen to the truth.

  2.  Maximize our energy reserves - Many people will not like my stance on this but the truth is Coal, Oil, Natural Gas and our other energy resources must be used to save our country. People do not create global warming and that is scientifically proven, we, as a race, have had an insignificant impact on the planet. Coal is a safe, inexpensive and plentiful energy source let's use it. Oil can be drilled off of our coastline by chinese concerns but not by our own country, let's change that we should benefit from our resources, let's put America First. Let's look at the renewable energy sources, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, but only when they really work and would fulfill our needs not just as a feel good response to shaming by the government. As we all know the power that you use to charge your electric vehicles is generated by plants that are burning coal, oil or nuclear power so those who think they are helping are merely moving from the gas pump to the electric outlet and still using the same amount of those "planet killing" fuels they are just not going to the pump to get them instead they are going right to their outlet at home.

 3. Balance The Budget - Just like everyone else in America my family has to live on a budget based on our income, so why not our government. This is simple, if you do not have enough income to support everything you want then only support the programs that you NEED. there are many programs and positions that we do not need in government. How about taking a look at FEMA, there are over 1500 trailers that were never used to help Hurricane katrina victims, but our government paid for them, Why? let's use common sense balance our budget and get back on the right track.

  4. Create a Transparent Government - We have all heard the term transparent government, but we have never seen one, when asked questions the government says "It is a matter of national security and I can't answer that question", I think that the government should answer every question, that has no real effect on national security, openly honestly, forthrightly that is what I think should be done. Don't hide behind some arbitrary statement, take responsibility for your actions, decisions, administration, that is what a President is supposed to do.

  5. Reduce Government Spending - Our government wastes and overpays for so many things, including personnel costs. We should have a needs based spending system. If you can't prove you need it then you don't get it. Stop lending money to other countries. We have people in this country starving and we are giving money to countries who use it to buy military equipment, stop the madness, no other countries lend us money why do we need to be the world's ATM.


  It's time the common man felt a part of the government again, it's time a common man sat in the white house, it's time for common sense decisions, it's time for a People's President.




 Roadmap to Greatness


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